“This grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never dried all at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls.” – John Muir
United States:
We are so fortunate in the United States to have some amazing national parks, wildlife refuges, local parks, and nature centers. The gallery below contains all the state birds.
Alabama: Northern Flicker Alaska: Willow Ptarmigan Arizona: Cactus Wren Arkansas: Mockingbird California: Quail Colorado: Lark Bunting Connecticut: American Robin Delaware: Blue Hen Chicken Florida: Mockingbird Georgia: Brown Thrasher Hawaii: Nene Idaho: Mountain Bluebird Illinois: Northern Cardinal Indiana: Northern Cardinal Iowa: Eastern Goldfinch Kansas: Western Meadowlark Kentucky: Northern Cardinal Louisiana: Brown Pelican Maine: Black-Capped Chickadee Maryland: Baltimore Oriole Massachusetts: Black-Capped Chickadee Michigan: American Robin Minnesota: Common Loon Mississippi: Northern Mockingbird Missouri: Eastern Bluebird Montana: Western Meadowlark Nebraska: Western Meadowlark Nevada: Mountain Bluebird New Hampshire: Purple FInch New Jersey: American Goldfinch New Mexico: Greater Roadrunner New York: Eastern Bluebird North Carolina: Northern Cardinal North Dakota: Western Meadowlark Ohio: Northern Cardinal Oklahoma: Scissor Tailed Flycatcher Oregon: Western Meadowlark Pennsylvania: Ruffed Grouse Rhode Island: Rhode Island Red South Carolina: Carolina Wren South Dakota: Ring-Necked Pheasant Tennessee: Northern Mockingbird Texas: Northern Mockingbird Utah: California Gull Vermont: Hermit Thrush Virginia: Northern Cardinal Washington: Willow Goldfinch West Virginia: Northern Cardinal Wisconsin: American Robin Wyoming: Western Meadowlark